A jounal written by an adult with the rare genetic disorder, PKU, approaching middle age and struggling with issues of diet, weight gain and the propect of diabetes.
Sunday, 21 December 2008
On the road again, but off the track.
Last Tuesday I went on my bi-annual pilgrimage to the pku clinic. It takes so long and seems so pointless sometimes and that makes the whole thing a lot worse. I find it frustrating and for a long time now I have portioned all the blame on the hospital itself. However, new revelations have come to light that make me realize that they aren't necessarily the ones (solely) wasting my time - I'm doing it to myself. Example, I walk into the doctors office, Dr asks, 'How have you been?
I respond 'Oh, I'm fine thanks.' or 'Ok, I guess'. However, I never elaborate. Let's get this into some sort of perspective - this specialist is not asking me how I am simply to pass the time of day, this is someone who is asking because they REALLY want to know! It's her job moron!! That's why she's a doctor and not a lawyer. Is this what's called a 'light bulb moment'?
Of course I don't know what the symptoms and side effects of high phe levels are, I've never complained of any! Wouldn't want to waste anyones time now would I?
This could simply be one of those things one puts down to experience except that I'm not fine. The doctor has written a letter to my GP saying that although she believes that I need to be back on anti-mad pills, my depression is probably not as a result of the pku and that a phe level of under 1000 is ok (for me) It's only when it reaches above 1400 that I will have problems. Problem is, I have problems now. See my problem?
My blood test results for December were steady at 910. This is apparently now, OK. The plot thickens!