A jounal written by an adult with the rare genetic disorder, PKU, approaching middle age and struggling with issues of diet, weight gain and the propect of diabetes.
Sunday, 7 December 2008
December 7, 2007
I couldn't do it. The mere thought of the Lophlex made me feel ill. What to do with the boxes. I shouldn't give up though. I'm such a quitter. I decided to have a go at the berry. I knew what to expect this time. I thought I was ready.. The reaction was much the same.
My experience with the orange Lophlex had set up what seemed like a conditioned response. The trigger was not the smell, but more importantly the taste, or was it the anticipation of the taste based on a negative experience? I don't blame the Lophlex, many people swear by it. It's so easy, it's so convenient. Yes, but it's so vile. I wasn't expecting it to taste like my favourite cocktail, but I didn't expect that the mere act of walking past the box it arrived in to make me feel nauseous. I guess it may be back to the drawing board.
This months blood test result was 780.