A jounal written by an adult with the rare genetic disorder, PKU, approaching middle age and struggling with issues of diet, weight gain and the propect of diabetes.
Saturday, 6 December 2008
December 2, 2007
There was one, probably rather important detail that I neglected to mention about my blood test days, I try and be really ;'good' leading up to the day and then when I've had the test, I tend to 'reward' myself with food - a cross between a treat and a celebration. But sometimes, like all celebrations, things can get a bit out of hand. It can be hard knowing when enough is enough. I like to think that I have a certain amount of self awareness. I know that I'm a bit nuts. I know that I'm dysfunctional and I know that sometimes I do things with my life and my diet that are counter productive.
It is believed to be an evolutionary development in human being that we crave the foods that our bodies need (I don't know what this says about some cravings that women can get during pregnancy though!) Having discovered this little gem, I decided not to beat myself up about higher blood test results and I'd even give in to some of those evolutionary cravings! Particularly since I haven't been on a supplement. The true test may come when my new supplement arrives.
So last night's dinner consisted of the following - Two pork rashers (I don't even like pork that much) with roast vegetables. So I got heaps of protein and heaps of fat at the same time. Cut the fat off? Are you joking? The fat is usually the best bit. I remember telling my doctor at Westmead once that I loved lamb fat in particular. I was told that I could eat the fat but should leave the meat. No one's saying it now though!
Today I am experiencing a degree of what I think must be guilt. Not 'get thee to a confessional' kind of guilt, but rather 'I really shouldn't have done that' kind of guilt. Now don't misunderstand me here. I am not feeling guilt over the protein explosion that I so eagerly ingested, but rather the fat. I must have chosen the fattiest kind of meat I could find. The really sad bit is that there is more of it in the freezer. Oh, well, it will keep for another blood test day!
No wonder I'm fat and crazy!!