A jounal written by an adult with the rare genetic disorder, PKU, approaching middle age and struggling with issues of diet, weight gain and the propect of diabetes.
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Off the starting blocks, with a long way to go.
I received the first response back for the book project and it was really great! If more people send stuff like this, the pku book is going to be outrageously good! She even sent in a photograph in case I wanted to use it.
Seeing that toddlers' face looking up at me from that photo makes it that much more real. I'm still sending out the guidelines and having problems with some of the email addresses. Maybe the problem is with the attachment? I have no idea so will just have to keep trying.
Technology frustrates the hell out of me. Who the hell came up with the spin that it makes our lives easier? Yeah, until it stops working and you and your computer geek can't figure out why and then you have to pay another computer geek who tells you he doesn't know either. That's just great.
I'm going to print a copy of that photo and put it near the computer to help remind me that this is real and it's happening.
And to remind me why.