Sunday, 10 May 2009

Back on the Round About?

My blood phe has gone up. My test for April came back as 840, that's up from 730. Current 'wisdom' would tell me that this is still an acceptable number since it's under 1000. Like Hell it is! I can't say that I'm suprised that it's high though. there were those wretched anti-mad pills and I guess I slacked off a bit. Gee I need to find a new doctor. I've started sending out the letters about the adult group, I got a response back from one today. You know the sort of response, 'Oh, yes, thank you for bothering but that's not my department, not my concern' that kind of thing. Well mate, I'm here and I'm making it your concern. I won't be fobbed off. If being 'nice' isn't going to work (and I've been told that it probably won't) well, I'll just have to get more officious. The other way is so much more pleasant for all of us though! Sent two more today, one to the prime minister and one for the federal health minister. I'm sure these people don't know what to make of someone not actually wanting anything from them! There's plenty of time for that, let's at least start out in a positive frame of mind and see how that goes.