A jounal written by an adult with the rare genetic disorder, PKU, approaching middle age and struggling with issues of diet, weight gain and the propect of diabetes.
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Pause for Reflection
Life can be so fleeting. In an instant everything that you knew, everything that you used to define your life can be gone.
The bushfires in Victoria are both Australia's worst natural disaster and worst peace time tragedy. At time of writing, 181 people had lost their lives.
I knew one of them.
I don't wish to dwell on it as I feel a great need to leave it behind for a while. I'm feeling quite stressed and have that knot in my stomach that precedes an anxiety attack.
It isn't just the fires though. I sense that I'm going to have a falling out with my mother. The whole day has a sense of foreboding about it. I wish I hadn't gotten out of bed.
I have been trying to get my mother on the phone on and off all day to tell her about the death, but there is no answer.
I wish today was over and I could go home.
Sunday is the AGM of the PKU association and I've said I'll go. I've even managed to swap my day at the museum. I'll probably have to say something about the book project and I was hoping to hand out copies of the 'guidelines' then.
I'd also said that I would write stuff for the newsletter. The deadline is coming up soon and I think I'm supposed to be filling two pages. I haven't finished it.
I need to get my brain back so I can focus on next Sunday. I just hope I'm not feeling so stressed out by then.