Sunday, 8 March 2009

Anti-mads Revisited

My Dr was almost on time last week, so no sleeping bag was required for my evening appointment. I have been put back on anti-mad pills. This doctor will do just about anything if it is handed to him on hospital letterhead. I'm just the patient who's had the disease all their life, what would I know. The tablets are making me so tired that my arms feel too weak to hold things sometimes and I find myself sluring my speach a bit, but if they don't make me feel actually sick, I'll give them a go. There's just one thing though, the tablets contain Aspatame. So this doctor sits there with a 'just do it' attitude to diet compliance but then turns around and presribes me a medication with phenylalanine in it. You can't have it both ways. I found that I was too dopped up to be too angry about it. I've decided that as long as they don't make me totally dysfunctional, I'll keep on them, just to see what difference the extra phe makes on a daily basis. What the hell, I feel like crap anyway.