A jounal written by an adult with the rare genetic disorder, PKU, approaching middle age and struggling with issues of diet, weight gain and the propect of diabetes.
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Finger Crossing
Tomorrow if the PKU Christmas Picnic. It has been raining on and off for a while now, and everyone is hoping that it will be fine on Sunday. I want to go so that I can meet up with some of the people I have met through the pkutree forum. I'm feeling sick at the moment and I feel that the greatest challenge from the day could come from how I feel, rather than from the conditions. I came into the museum today because I made a big deal out of the fact that I would - yes, I have a toothache, but don't worry, I'll go in regardless because I said that I would. That sort of dross, so here I am. If things don't pick up here soon I'll leave early. I did nothing yesterday, so have everything to do and organize today if I am to be on the 7.36 am train.
The picnic is being held at Olympic Park (at least it's being used for something I guess) but there is absolutely no shelter. Doesn't sound like the best venue to me. There are probably no seats either, will have to pack a plastic bag to sit on! It's sounding great isn't it? Can't wait. Truely.
I'm looking at the space here and thinking that this would make a good venue. Shade if needed, chairs if needed, indoors if needed and space to run around if needed and an old steam engine named 'Possum' to climb on. Sounds perfect. Next Wednesday is International day for People with a Disability (can't call them disabled apparently as it puts the disability before the person) We are have a bus load of people arriving and a host of stuff happening. It has all been organised at the last minute. Maybe we could convince council that it is in their best interests to let in a group of pku kids and adults for the day - good publicity etc. I'll see how it goes.