A jounal written by an adult with the rare genetic disorder, PKU, approaching middle age and struggling with issues of diet, weight gain and the propect of diabetes.
Sunday, 13 July 2008
An Introduction to this site.
One wouldn't need to be a rocket scientist to have already figured out that I am 40 years old (well, just turned 41 now), am overweight and have Phenylketonuria. about two years ago my mother was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Already being a little overweight and reaching the top of the hill, it didn't take much for me to figure out that the top of the hill could be followed by a slippery slope - over the hill and gaining speed!
I made an appointment at Westmead hospital, where I have my biannual appointments, in the hope of finding out some information.
My attempts at searching the Internet had proved somewhat useless. The hospital could tell me even less. With advise like 'It's too hard, just don't do it.' I felt none the wiser. everyone agreed that I needed to loose weight, no argument here. No one weighed me. Ironically I used to be underweight and at one stage was 2 kgs of being technically anorexic. They all weighed me then.
apparently the inability to keep weight either on or off is quite a common problem with PKU. Wish I knew that a few years ago.
This general lack of information is the main reason for this site. I don't have diabetes but I don't quite not have diabetes either. hopefully I won't, but this is the journey one way or the other.